These are edited extracts from July 2007's Radio Websites in PWP's Radio User magazine.
As well as all the thousands of radio station websites to browse, there are countless websites set up by enthusiasts and listeners, many of which post entertaining and useful background information on the hobby. I thought I’d dip into a variety of these this month. Don’t forget, if you have a website of your own you want to share with readers, or one that provides a useful service, just drop me an e-mail at: chrissy@sutton-brand.freeserve.co.uk
Yoga by radio
A strange title with which to commence this month, but all will be revealed, as we go to a long-established website: Mike Brooker’s DX Dharma...Based in Toronto, there are also plenty of fascinating facts on his trips to India, including an India DX logbook. Dharma being ‘right conduct, righteousness, or devotion according to the practice of Yoga and the Hindu or Buddhist scriptures.’ As Mike writes, it is ‘not a word you are likely to hear on any shortwave broadcaster, except perhaps All India Radio.’ : http://webhome.idirect.com/~aum108/dx.html
Yoga by Radio is not as strange a concept as it might first seem. You can hear some inspirational meditation sounds at: http://heartspring.net/meditation_music.html
This includes links to Soma FM. There is a website celebrating 275 years of Sahaja yoga meditation in Australia, which includes online yoga radio broadcasts from Sydney at: http://www.sahajayoga.com.au/level_1/Radio%20links.shtml
And don’t forget Yoga Spirit radio at: http://www.yogaspirit.ca/
and specifically http://www.yogaspirit.ca/radio_main_list.php
Those who choose to enthuse
The Shortwave Report is a 30 minute review of news stories recorded, unsurprisingly, off of a shortwave radio: http://www.outfarpress.com/outfarpress/shortwave.shtml
Radiolicious is a great name and an equally good blog at: http://www.radiolicious.co.uk/
It also has an equally fascinating sister site that covers radio in Berlin: www.radiolicious.co.uk/berlin
Advance warning of Euro Radio Day 2007, which takes place in Calais, France on Saturday 8th September: http://www.offshoreechos.com/
Finally, I was delighted to see that the wonderfully witty BlanDX is back, with an online version: http://www.blandx.com/ This was a paper publication a decade or more ago which wickedly parodied the quirky world of DXing. It is now the most humorous radio website I have ever seen. With laugh out loud features such as spoof logs, QSL cards and adverts, the DX Squabble, Uncle Harold's Guide to DXPedition Etiquette and a wonderful strip cartoon called The Radio Family. Read them and weep with laughter at: http://www.blandx.com/trf/theradiofamily.html