Tuesday 8 March 2011

100 years of International Women’s Day

As thousands of women across the world link together on bridges for peace in 48 countries today, it’s good to hear the BBC World Service are marking the 100th anniversary of International Women’s day .

Their Heart and Soul Conquering Holy Ground programme covers three women who broke into traditionally male leadership roles.


Also they are covering Rosa Luxembourg in their wonderful “Witness” programme: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00f32rc  

My local station BBC Manchester appears to be doing nothing that I can see – just the regular programmes and local live football this evening. Hopefully I will be proven wrong.

Another local station, Gaydio, a community station, is having a female-only presenters day, which I shall listen to with interest if I can. http://www.gaydio.co.uk/  

ALL FM (ALL = the Ardwick, Levenshume and Longsight areas of Manchester) is always all-encompassing all year round, so I am sure that will be covering IWD in its usual excellent variety of quality programming. It sometimes knocks spots off stations with far bigger purses: http://www.allfm.org/  

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