Monday 12 November 2012

BBC Children In Need DAB Radio & BBC 90th

Earlier in 2012 Radio 4’s flagship programme Today, hosted a competition to design a new radio. This was inspired by the programme moving into the New Broadcasting house. Listeners were invited to design a skin (outer cover) for a limited edition DAB Radio, which is being sold to raise money for BBC Children in Need. 

The brief asked people to reflect the great traditions of radio but also represent broadcasting in a contemporary way. Some impressive design skills surfaced although the ones I liked best did not win. There is a glimpse into some of the designs and the judging process here.

See also the Children In Need blog posts, especially the 31 July 2012 post, at Examples of the many varied designs submitted can also be seen from a link there, or at:

They retail from Tivoli at £199: 

On Wednesday 14th November, BBC hits its 90th birthday. Suffice to say that the “BBC is attempting an ambitious first, bringing together around 60 our stations (network, local, national and international) for a single remarkable moment – a three-minute piece of history broadcast simultaneously around the UK and the world. At its heart will be an idea that explains radio’s success: listening to each other.” 

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