It’s been lovely to join up with the Reading Rattle to start reading some of my columns for their monthly audio version of Radio User. They also produce RadCom, Practical Wireless and Monitoring Monthly on audio each month.
They are moving into the 21st century replacing cassette tapes with mp3 downloads, with Audacity software being the sw of choice
Website for RAIC (Radio Amateur Invalid and Blind Club) Affiliated To The RSGB Founded 1954: http://www.raibc.org.uk/Yahoo group is at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RAIBC-Readers/
The British DX Club meanwhile has been producing its own audio programme each month since February 1976. Called Tape Circle until earlier this year when format and technologies demanded changes- to BDXC Audio Circle, it is not a read version of the BDXC journal Communication, but consists of radio, chat dx catches, views, holiday and archive recordings etc, of members, produced by a team of professional editors. To join you have to be a member of the BDXC http://www.bdxc.org.uk/